Curriculum Vitae
Prof. RNDr. Roman Barták, Ph.D., born 1970. Graduated (Computer Science) from MFF UK Praha at 1993, PhD (Computer Science) from MFF UK at 1997. Assistant professor at MFF UK in 1997-2005, associate professor at MFF UK in 2005-2013, full professor since 2013. Department chair (Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic) in 2006-2014; vice-chair since 2014. Coordinator of graduate program Artificial Intelligence, coordinator of doctoral program Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Responsible for commercial projects for Universal Synergetics (USA, 1992-93, robotics), AISA/Median (Czech Republic, 1993-98, data analysis), Visopt Tech Ltd. (Israel, 1999-2004, production scheduling), and Entellexi (Ireland, 2005-2011, enterprise optimization), coordinator of many research projects at the national level (CSF, M©MT) and EU level. Chair of panel P202 Computer Science (2016-2018), in 2016 vice-chair of committee for physical sciences (GAÈR). Research stays at Oxford University (2003, Peter Jeavons) and Universität Ulm (2003,2019, Susanne Biundo), lecture stays at Aoyama Gakuin University and Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (2008). A regular member of program and organizing committees of international conferences (IJCAI, AAAI, ECAI, FLAIRS, ICAPS, CP-AI-OR, CP, MISTA, SoCS...), editor and member of editorial boards of international journals (Journal of AI Research, AI Communications, Computational Intelligence, Archives of Control Sciences ). Research in the area of Artificial Intelligence, in particular automated planning and scheduling, constraint satisfaction, and knowledge representation. Author of more than 170 research papers. Head of AI special group of Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (ÈSKI), senior member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), senior member of Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), and EurAI Fellow.
Structured CV in PDF.
- EurAI Fellow (2021)
- AI Award for promoting the Czech Republic in AI World (2019)
- AAAI Senior Member (since 2019)
- ACM Senior Member (since 2018)
- Honorable Mention Paper, 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2024
- Best Paper Award, The 16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IBERAMIA 2018
- Best Poster Award, The 29th International FLAIRS Conference, 2016
- Best Paper Award (Second Place), 14th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2016
- Best Poster Award, The 28th International FLAIRS Conference, 2015
- Best Poster Award, 13th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2015
- System Demonstrations and Exhibits Award, The 22nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2012
- Second position at the Prolog Programming Contest, ICLP 2005
- Best Paper Award, 10th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP 2004