This web page is not maintained anymore (I just keep it for historical reasons ;–). Look at my new web. |
Welcome to the root page for on-line guides designed and maintained by Roman Barták. Currently, there are available two(three) tutorials to areas which I am interested in. I expect to continuosly update both tutorials to cover state-of -the-art knowledge and, possibly, to add other tutorials to areas like artificial intelligence (if there will be enough positive feedback).
The tutorials are provided free of charge. The Web server and Internet connection for this site is kindly provided by Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague. I really appreciate all additional supporters.
I welcome all comments, suggestions, contribution and corrections to these pages.
On-line Guide to Prolog Programming
This is an on-line tutorial to programming in Prolog. The programming language Prolog is explained using examples here, so it is a good companion to tradition textbooks on Prolog. There is also a list of some Prolog implementations and links to other interesting materials on Prolog.
Interactive Prolog Guide
First edition of Prolog Guide is still available.
On-line Guide to Constraint Programming
This is a tutorial to constraint programming. It covers constraint satisfaction algorithms as well as algorithms for solving over-constrained problems.
Courses on CD-ROM New!
Preliminary annoucement of CD-ROM version of Prolog and Constraints Guides.
Dr. Roman BartákDepartment of Theoretical Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles UniversityMalostranske namesti 2/25
118 00, Praha 1,
Czech Republic
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