Projects of Roman Barták
Research Projects
- Advanced Planning and Scheduling
I lead R&D activities of Visopt BV,
The Netherlands/Israel, in the area of advaced systems for planning, scheduling and optimization of resources in
the supply chain. This project exploits the cutting-edge technologies from the area of constraint programming.
- constraint hierarchies
Constraints belongs to my main research interests.
I am working at design of general and efficient algorithms for solving constraint hierarchies including inter-hierarchy
comparison (including theory, methodology and implementation). I am also looking for other areas of practical applications
of constraints and constraint hierarchies, e.g., in expert systems and decision support systems.
- constructive negation
As a part of this project I proposed efficient
implementation of constructive negation in logic programs (Prolog). Currently, I am working on extension of constructive
negation to Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming (HCLP).
- meta-interpreters
In cooperation with Prof. Petr Stepanek, I
proposed a generalized architecture of extendible meta-interpreters. I am interested especially in reflectivity
features of meta-interpreters and in usage of meta-interpreters to design extendible (open) systems. I also use
continuously meta-interpreters to test my research ideas from constraint and logic programming.
On-line Education Projects
- guide to Prolog
This is an on-line tutorial to programming
in Prolog. The programming language Prolog is explained using examples here, so it is good companion to tradition
textbooks on Prolog. There is also a list of some Prolog implementations and links to other interesting materials
on Prolog.
- guide to constraint
This is a tutorial to constraint programming.
It covers constraint satisfaction algorithms as well as algorithms for solving over-constrained problems.
Software Projects
- small office software
I provide consulting services and customized
software for offices.
- media analysis
This is a commercial project for advertising
agencies and media companies. The software analyses reach of TVs, radios, newspapers and magazines, and provides
tools for efficient planning of advertising campaigns.
My contribution:
I am a main architect of the system.
Project status:
successfully applied in advertising agencies; development continues
- mobile robot
The goal of this project is to design operational
software for mobile robot (including planning and drivers). The project was solved originally in cooperation with
US company Universal Synergetics and currently it proceeds as a joint project at Charles University and Czech Technical
My contribution:
data structures and methodology for world map representation.
Project status:
continues without my participation
- graphical user interfaces
This was a student project whose goal was
to develop software for design of graphical user interfaces using object-oriented methodology.
My contribution:
design of windowing subsystem
Project status:
successfully finished
If you think that my experience and expertise
could contribute to your project, please contact
[Resume] [Publications]
[Presentations] [Projects] [Teaching]