This web page is not maintained anymore (I just keep it for historical reasons ;–). Look at my new web. |
1999 | |
On the Boundary of Planning and Scheduling: A Study
[PowerPoint] Eighteenth Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, Manchester, UK, December 1999 Dynamic Constraint Models for Complex Production Environments [PowerPoint] ERCIM Working Group on Constraints/CompulogNet Area on "Constraint Programming" Workshop, Cyprus, October 1999 Conceptual Models for Combined Planning and Scheduling [PowerPoint] CP99 Workshop on Large Scale Combinatorial Optimisation and Constraints, Alexandria, VA, USA, October 1999 Constraint Programming: What is behind? [PowerPoint] Workshop on Constraint Programming for Decision and Control (CPDC '99) (invited lecture) Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, June 1999 Constraint Programming: In Pursuit of the Holy Grail [PowerPoint] Week of Doctoral Students (WDS '99) (invited lecture) Charles University, Prague, June 1999 |
1998 | |
Constraint Hierarchy Networks [PostScript] 3rd ERCIM/Compulog Net Workshop on Constraints CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1998 Inter-Hierarchy Comparison in HCLP [PostScript] Workshop on Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Passau, Germany, July 1998 Inter-Hierarchy Comparison in HCLP [PostScript] The Practical Application of Constraint Technology (PACT '98) London, United Kingdom, March 1998 |
1997 | |
A Generalized Framework for Solving Constraint Hierarchies
[PostScript] ERCIM/Compulog Workshop on Constraints (before CP'97) RISC, Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, October 1997 A Generalized Framework for Constraint Planning [PostScript] Workshop on Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Prague, Czech Republic, June 1997 A Plug-In Architecture of Constraint Hierarchy Solvers [PostScript poster] The Practical Application of Constraint Technology (PACT '97) London, United Kingdom, April 1997 Presentation of the Constraint Technology Group [PostScript] First workshop of the ERCIM working group on constraints IHP, Paris, France, January 1997 |
1996 and older | |
Mega-Interpreters and Expert Systems [PostScript poster] The Practical Application of Prolog (PAP '96) London, United Kingdom, April 1996 Constraint Hierarchies [PostScript] The Week of Doctoral Students (WDS '95) Prague, Czech Republic, September 1995 Constructive Negation [PostScript] Workshop on Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Prague, Czech Republic, June 1994 Meta-Interpreters and Expert Systems [PostScript] Workshop on Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Passau, Germany, June 1993 |