The Aim of the Project |
The aim of the project is to provide a framework for natural implementation of constructive negation. Currently, we investigate the possibility to extend the proposed framework to Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming. The project covers:
- theoretical background (solving equalities and disequalities over the Herbrand Universe)
- methodology
- implementation
To test our research ideas we have implemented the proposed algorithms in Prolog. Note that these programs are software prototypes.
Meta-variables (1996)There is a PROLOG implementation of the meta-variable concept originated from ECRC. With this module you can use meta-variables in "normal" PROLOG.
- PROLOG source code for meta-variables in PROLOG
- implementation of constructive negation using meta-variables
Constructive negation (1994)The program implements a constructive negation using the concept of meta-interpreters. It is a refined version of program from my Master Thesis.
Constructive Negation and Constraints (download)
Barták, R., Extended Abstract, July 1998Constructive Negation in CLP(H) (download)
Barták, R., Tech. Report No 98/6, Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Charles University, Prague, July 1998
The project is supported in part by:
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
- Grant Agency of Czech Republic under the contract No 201/96/0197.
The other supporters are very welcomed, especially from the industry area. If you want to support this project (and exploit the research results directly), please contact me.
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